KATHMANDU: Nepal-India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NICCI) welcomed Indian Ambassador Naveen Srivastava on Thursday.

Organising a programme NICCI briefed the ambassador about the issues being faced and that have remained standstill from the last couple of years and sought his initiation for resolving the issues, as per a press statement. Welcoming the ambassador, NICCI President Shreejana Rana introduced the executive members, conveners and representatives of nine subject-wise working committees and the officials of the secretariat.

The conveners and representatives from the working committees briefed the issues identified by the committees and requested Ambassador Srivastava for the further process to resolve it. NICCI President Rana presented the plaque of honorary patron of NICCI to the Indian ambassador.

At the event, NICCI Birgunj Chapter President Abhishek Chaudhary also informed about the newly formed chapter.

A version of this article appears in the print on February 10, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.