Capital resonates with Jazz notes
KATHMANDU: After wooing Bhaktapur with its free Peace jazz concert, the second day of the 6th Kathmandu Jazz Festival ‘Jazzmandu 2008’ had its participating musicians playing for all
Jazz lovers at different venues of the Valley.
Valley jams on October 23 took place at various musical hubs. The gig at 1905, Kantipath had the perfect setting for the evening.
Though the show started a bit late, the crowd was busy enjoying the ambience and exchanging pleasantries.
Jazz makers Greg Lyons Trio (UK/Australia) were featured at the concert, but before them, the gig was opened by a musical ensemble consisting of artistes from different countries.
The ensemble was successful to give a fusion flavour to the jazz evening.
Soon Greg Lyons Trio was on the stage performing some intriguing pieces. With Greg Lyons doing magic with his saxophone and Marcus Dengate (bass) and Darren Moore (drums) backing up, it was of course a wonderful performance.
Starting with a quick jam-up, the first song they performed was She is leaving home by the Beatles. They also performed their recent song Mock chicken… live for the first time. While Greg Lyons Trio kept the mood of 1905 up beat and peppy, two other venues around town were also filled with sound of jazz. Jazz makers from India, Global Unity performed at Hy Jazz Club, Hyatt Regency and Mark Brown Band from England floored the audiences at Lasoon, Pulchowk with their music.