Cartoon lessons for hearing-impaired


The National Campus had conducted a workshop on Cartoon Communication and Creation for the hearing-impaired from June 2-6. It was conducted by cartoon specialist Yogesh Khapangi, vice-president of the Cartoon Club of Nepal.

Altogether 35 hearing-impaired persons took part in the workshop. All five lessons were interpreted in sign language by Sarah Giri, the Campus’ Director of Academics.

Giri said, “We are offering the hearing-impaired a vocational option,” adding the workshop was conducted because cartoon expressions and drawings are a part of the hearing-impaired culture.

On his experience during the workshop Khapangi said he was able to teach in a week what he usually teaches in six months.

Certificates were given to all participants on June 6 by Bhairav and Mithila Pudasaini, who are considered role models in the hearing-impaired community as they are running a tailoring business successfully. — HNS