
I have a friend who stays nearby

She is sweet, never tells a lie

I love her there’s no doubt

She is successful, but never proud.

That’s why I like her a lot

What a friend I have got

Her face is full of laughter all the time

So I like to call her smiley every time.

Her absence make me

Feel very lonely

Oh Roshani! Please

Be always with me.

— Sophia Gurung, Class X, RIBS School

As big as... :

The sky is not so big

As compared to my heart

The land is not so vast

As compared to my love.

Birds don’t fly that high

As compared to

my imagination

The river doesn’t flow

that long

As compared to my dreams.

It doesn’t rain that heavy

As compared to my tears

The sun doesn’t shine

that much

As compared to my smile.

No one can lose that much

As compared to my


— Rumani Pyakuryal, Class VIII, VS Gems

Guru ‘time’ :

In the path of life

Side by side with happiness and grief

What drags us to our destiny

Is nothing else but time.

It goes on moving,

never stops

Once gone, it never returns

Makes us realise the

value of life

And it’s nothing else

but time.

Helps us know the meaning of things

Urges us to move along

with it

Brings out the potentiality within us

It’s nothing else but time.

Makes us able to live life

Prepares us to face

all obstacles

Fills within us experiences

It’s nothing else but time.

— Liza Paudel, Class VIII, Gaurdeep B School