LUX BEAUTY STARS 2004 : Namoona Lepcha Dreams of a supermodel

Himalayan News Service


This Piscean stands at 5’3” and her aim in life is to be a famous model. She says, “Fashion speaks of our personality and is a key element in introducing ourselves. But it should be done according to the situation.” Namoona recently completed her schooling from Doon Academy, Pokhara. “Education is very essential in one’s life. It completes the meaning of life,” she states. Her teacher Hari Krishna Wagle was the one who suggested that she participate in Lux Beauty Stars selection. She shares, “I was also interested but I was a bit nervous about giving it a try but now I am comfortable with what’s happening around me. I will do my best to win the title of ‘Lux Beauty Star 2004’ but the future is uncertain. Now I am just using this golden opportunity to learn new things and that really matters more to me than other things.”

Namoona describes herself as an introvert. “I cannot make friends easily but when I make one it lasts forever.” She likes listening to sentimental songs and in her free time she prefers spending time alone in a peaceful environment and loves taking short naps. The Lux Beauty Star 2004 will be held on May 22. Watch this space for the countdown.