Moving on


After you decide to leave your job, packing your personal belongings and other paperwork from your office can be a daunting task. You often get confused as what to take and discard. It is necessary that you start packing a couple of days before the day you quit. This will help you make sure you don’t leave necessary paperwork at your (old) office.

Things to remember

• Remove your personal papers and belongings

• Keep only those things that will have meaning later on

• Leave those personal resources that you won’t need anymore to colleagues who can use them Paperwork Sort out the documents as per their future use. Place papers according to the subject in a labelled file or envelope.


Get rid of books you own but have never used or haven’t used. You can recycle them or donate them to a library.

Personal items

Pack up your own property and equipment. These can include:

• Artwork, furnishings, and other decorations

• Awards and trophies

• First aid or cosmetic kits

• Radio or CD player; CDs

Do remember to send a farewell message via e-mail to colleagues and friends, thanking them for their support and friendship throughout your career. Also give them your contact details. — HNS