Nepal's renowned comedian Hari Bansha Acharya posts a lesson on how to wear pants-shirt in case we've forgotten

KATHMANDU: We have been cooped in our homes for more than 70 days now. And assuming that we may have forgotten how to put on our pants, shirts and coats, renowned comedian Haribansha Acharya shows us how to do so.

In a funny yet informative video posted on June 5 on his Facebook account, Acharya teaches people how to put on pants, shirt and coat.

“Mostly we are wearing vest and trousers because we have not felt the need to wear coat, shirt and pants — we have forgotten to wear them,” he says in the video. “Today I am going to teach you how to wear pants, shirt and coat.”

Starting with a pair of pants to socks and shoes, he teaches us step-by-step how to dress for the outside world post-lockdown in a tongue-in-cheek manner.

“Lockdown will loosen up in a few days, you might find it beneficial,” he has posted in the message with the video.

Acharya has also left a message outlining the steps to follow once lockdown is loosened. “Even if you go out of your house, maintain social distancing and don’t forget to wear a mask.”

With Madan Krishna Shrestha, Acharya makes up the hilarious and much loved MaHa Jodi, famous for their comedic acts and satirical social messages.

Acharya is known for making people laugh with his expressions and comedic acts.

Madan Krishna Shrestha (Ma of the MaHa Jodi) had recently entertained all with his TikTok dance video that had gone viral.

Watch Acharya's video here: