Peoplespeak : Adoption: New life for child and parents as well
I certainly appreciate people who adopt children. Adoption has become a trend in Hollywood and Bollywood. While some do it for a genuine cause, some seem to be doing it just to be in the lime light. The happiness you get from covering a naked body, giving home to a child who doesn’t have one, education to one who doesn’t even recognise the alphabets is something commendable. I personally want to adopt but right now I’m still a student and dependent on my parents. When I become independent, I will surely adopt a child. Hats off to Brangelina, they are going a good job for humanity.
— Eliza Pokharel,
I will encourage adopting children because it is an honourable thing to do. I think every child should get an opportunity to live their childhood like a child rather than a labourer or in some bad condition. Adopting a child will also stop harassment towards children. I think it’s high time people stopped thinking that sex is just for producing children and continuing your generation. It’s the 21st century — you can have sex for pleasure and still adopt a child. For religious people, who spend loads of money on pujas to earn puneya, I would like to tell them God is not happy only with pujas. To adopt a child and give it love is the greatest dharma you could do. So instead of just doing pujas, adopt a child. This will surely earn you puneya.
— Deewash Bahadur Shah, Dhangadhi
The tradition of adoption in Hollywood and Bollywood is worth praising. Adoption of poverty stricken children should be encouraged in our society. It’s high time our society came out of the stereotyped views of having only biological children. Adopting children is like giving them a new life. By doing so, we are not only taking them out of the ditch of sufferings, but also contributing to the noble cause of humanity.
— Sparsh Dutta,
I would like to encourage adoptions among people who do not have children. It develops optimistic attitude in the lonely kid who has been waiting for someone’s love and care. Along with it, adoption also brings happiness in the family that is childless. Adoption helps to create a complete family.
— Aagya Dahal, Jorpati
Adoption is something that shouldn’t be taken in the negative way as most people still do. I feel one really doesn’t need to adopt a child to make his/her life better. People must understand those kids deserve better lives. Unless people understand this nothing is going to happen. We’ll definitely need generosity more than money because that really helps.
— Rakesh Pradhan
I believe adopting a child is anything but a popularity stunt, because there are a lot of other ways one can get popular. There are a lot of innocent children who have nothing to blame for their misfortune. They deserve to be loved and pampered and spoilt at times. But basically, they need a family to live with. Some people are incapable of having children. For them, children are a boon. So instead of polygamy, the couple can adopt a child. Who knows, the child might be the next Einstein or the next Gandhi.
— Rhea Gurung,
Hollywood and Bollywood have glamorised adoptions and why not? Whatever the reasons for adoptions, we can agree on one thing— the needy have benefited. The needy can be anyone, the adopted or the one who adopts. If the question of adoption arises in my own circle, I’d support it without an ounce of doubt. Because, it would after all, satisfy the adoptive parents at a certain level and satisfaction is the key to a happy and healthy life. This way both the childless parents and the parentless children will receive an opportunity to relish the pleasures of family life.
— Swekshya Adhikari
I don’t think adopting is bad as it gives a new life to a child. So, I would like to encourage my relatives who don’t have children to adopt. It’s a perfect way to receive happiness of having a child, to create a complete family. But it is also necessary to give the child a good and meaningful life.
— Shristi Kafle
I encourage adoptions as it can be beneficial for those who cannot bear children of their own. Instead of making test tube babies and increasing the population of the world, it is better to opt for adoption. It will provide children a home and a better tomorrow.
— Parbati Gurung
Brangelina and Shusmita Sen adopting kids made headlines. They might have done it for various reasons but it has fostered hope that kids without support will be supported and loved. Another aspect is people follow celebrities and if they do such noble things it will help to make society better. I would encourage adoptions mainly after the decade long war we faced. There are so many orphans who need support and people who want to help the country can do it in practical ways like this. But adoption is not taken very positively in our society mainly because there have been instances where after the adopted child grows, parents or even the children have felt that that they are not one’s own blood.The scenario is changing. On the government’s part verification process and rules regarding adoption must be properly followed so that people with ill motives do not succeed.
— Geshan Manandhar
I would encourage adoptions. I have a baby son and I want to adopt a baby girl. Even my brother has already decided to adopt a child as his second child. It was he who encouraged me and his enthusiasm has been so addictive now even I encourage others to adopt children and give them a new life and better future. While adopting a child we should especially consider those children whose life have been ruined by different calamities. If we adopt a child, it will be not only be noble deed in our lives but will be a great help to the nation as well.
— Parbati
It is not that just because Hollywood and Bollywood have glamorised adoptions we have to copy them. The truth is that life becomes hell in the absence of children. People work and they earn, but what if there is no one to spend your earnings on. If you have a child, every little action of a child becomes a source of laughter and a reason to smile in your lonely life. So, I encourage people to adopt children for it brings happiness and a child’s future will also become secure and you will also have a reason to live for.
— Samana Gairhe
I think adoption has positive aspects as we can see so many children in orphanages living without any hope receiving a ray of hope in their lives. Whatever the cause may for famous people adopting children, these personalities are encouraging people who admire them to opt for adoption. I feel the social role which they are playing for making adoption popular is praise worthy. In a country like ours where a man can marry twice or even more for reasons such as the wife being sterile, it is a good option. For a couple incapable of conception, adopting a child will not only be a pleasant experience for them but the child will also have a family. I would encourage couples who can’t bear children to go for adoption.
— Sunita
Adoption means giving life to a child who doesn’t have one. I admire actors who have been adopting poor children. I surely would encourage adoption in my own family circle. This will not only secure a child’s life but also help in population control which is the most terrifying problem of this century. In this way, adoption can save lives and change the face of the world.
— Niranjan Udas, Pokhara
One should go for adoption, a child’s life will become better because of this noble deed. It’s
upto you how you bring up children, and to give these children a future that is much different
and better than one they would have had they not been adopted.
— Gopal Rai
I would definitely encourage adoption in my circle. Adoption is an excellent way to build a family. Almost every other week famous and even normal people are adopting children. They are in a way helping the world by setting examples of being good adoptive parents. Adoption is highly encouraged to avoid maternity risks and also to avoid contributing to overpopulation. A majority of adoptees are orphans and from poor families. So through adoption, they
will have a better chance of a more promising life.
However, adoptive parents should adopt only because they want a child to love and not for social obligations. The thing that gives the adopted child the greatest security is being loved wholeheartedly.
— Kamala Amatya
Adoptions give children a chance for a better life. So, I would encourage people to adopt children. By adopting a child, these children will get a chance to possess all the rights that children are entitled to. Love and care are the most essential things that any child needs. And only a family can give such a child love and affection and prospects of a bright future, towards a life full of opportunities along with responsibilities.
— Dhiraj Chettri
I believe in and support adoption as it gives an opportunity to orphans to have a better life. I would encourage my near and dear ones to help those children to become better people with their help. We can see various organisations working for the welfare of such children, but I feel that these children are waiting for parents who can give them love and care. To give them a little space in our lives is a big thing for them.
— Kes Bahadur Pun