PICK OF THE WEEK: Man dodges crocs, piranhas to swim Amazon

A man from Slovenia has battled piranhas, crocodiles and exhaustion to become the first person to swim the entire length of the Amazon river. It took Martin Strel 66 days to swim the entire 3,272 miles of the river. The Amazon is the world’s largest river, and the second longest. It’s also a dangerous place to go for a dip. That’s because it is full of piranhas, crocs, bull sharks and anaconda snakes. It is not the first time Martin Strel has swum such a distance. He’s already set three previous long-swim records having splashed along the rivers Danube, Mississippi and Yangtze.

Strel said, “I think the animals have just accepted me. I’ve been swimming with them for such a long time that they must think I’m one of them now.”