Rule of nature
There is an end to
everything —
End to life or a marriage ring.
You come to the end of
a relationship
Perhaps you’ve had your last sip.
There’s an end to your
And your ill luck brings
Do stay calm, and gear
To fight the fear.
The end of your life
Is like a blunt knife
Which is hardly used
And is soon removed.
Remember one thing my friend,
There is always an end,
The rule of the nature
Is fixed for our future.
— Alisha Tuladhar, Class VIII, Malpi International School, Panauti
Long nights and short days,
Winter leaves me amazed.
Mountains get cold
Survival becomes difficult
For the old.
Remembering the warm days of May
Winter leaves me amazed. — Ashmita Bhattarai, Class X, VS GEMS, Thapathali, Kathmandu
The search
I’m looking for something
That’s been for some
time missing
Somewhere in the world
May be in the earth’s core!
I found it hidden in family squabbles
And in society’s quarrels
And of course in the
country’s disturbance
Due to absence
of tolerance.
I think about its presence
When all understood
its essence
A sense of brotherhood
Makes the world bloom.
Let’s clamour for peace
And forget wrath and war. — Bishal Thapa, Class IX, Rosebud School, Kathmandu
Writing tool
I am a little pencil
Harmful I am not
But of great use am I
To students and all men alike.
Road to success
You can write with me
But the one who is a fool
Is always out to break me.
Without me you
cannot write
Or draw or sketch
I am the way
To a life educated.
Without education
Man is blind
If you’re smart
You know education is light. — Khil Gurung, Class IX, KAHS, Jorpati, Kathmandu
Birds of love
I had two love birds
They loved each other
And I loved them as well
Because they were
They had two kids,
Who did good deeds.
One was Rolly, the other
was Polly
I wanted to kiss them
And see them fly across
the sky.
Now, they have gone
to heaven
And I really miss them so.
— Aaditya Rauniyar, Class IV, Spangle Boarding School