Powerful tale of survival


The Revenant tells a survival story of a trapper Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), who is abandoned by his team, and left to die in the wild. Glass, his son Hawk (Forrest Goodluck) and John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) are the trappers of a team led by Captain Andrew Henry (Domhnall Gleeson). While returning home from one of their missions, Glass is attacked by a grizzly bear and seriously wounded. As they are also being chased by their enemies, the team should escape as soon as possible, but they can’t because of wounded Glass. So, Fitzergald attempts to kill Glass, suddenly he is stopped by Hawk, and he (Hawk) gets killed instead. Glass is now left to die in the forest. Wandering in the mountains and forests, Glass has to struggle to find his way back home.

The director has presented the story in a beautiful way giving importance to all the characters. Most importantly the cinematography and background scores add value to the story — not letting you get bored by the dull moments like when Glass is lost in the snow, among others.

Panoramic view of mountain area, forest, and water bodies; up close encounter with grizzly bear or herd of bison being attacked by wolves, characters making narrow escape by jumping in the rushing water give you adrenaline rush. More than all the scenes, grizzly bear piece is scrutinised by many as this incident is what made the real life Glass a legend at the frontier. Though how much of the incident is fragmented or real is unknown. If it was true one can get a

vivid glance of what Glass must have been through in the film.

Utmost care is given to execute the fight scenes and things one does for survival in the wilderness.

Joyful moments like two adults — Glass and tribal man (Pawnee) — enjoying the taste of first snow, before a snow storm delights your senses too.

It is heart touching to see Glass’s pain as a father, who is unable to save his only child being murdered before him. DiCaprio has executed this part brilliantly leaving you in tears. At the same time, his determination to survive and take revenge for his son’s murder is evident when he doesn’t hesitate to survive on raw fish or bone marrow of

animals. DiCaprio is at his best as he crawls, walks, runs and jumps to continue his journey and face ordeals that follows.

Hardy as Fitzgerald — a traitor, and manipulator who keeps money above everything else is natural.

The movie has it all and should not be missed.