A boat ride you could pass

Purano Dunga

Genre: Romantic Comedy Drama

Director: Ram Babu Gurung

Cast: Dayahang Rai, Maotse Gurung, Priyanka Karki, Menuka Pradhan, et cetera

Being screened at theatres near you


The movie Purano Dunga tells the story of a common man’s everyday life. Batash (Dayahang Rai) and Bhakta Bahadur Bhujel (Maotse Gurung) are brothers. Bhakta makes his living rowing a boat. As with every other common man’s story, the brothers have to divide their property as Batash wants to separate from his brother and hence wants division of property.

Bhakta then finds it difficult to make ends meet after his brother takes his boat — the source of his livelihood. The movie is all about Bhakta’s troubles and sufferings after the boat is taken by his brother. The storyline is simple — conflict between the brothers and property division and its outcome.

Ram Babu Gurung is a renowned director (Kabaddi and Kabaddi Kabaddi), however, if you are expecting something more keeping his earlier works in mind, then this film could disappoint you. There is love, romance and emotions, but the weaving of the storyline is not powerful enough. However, Gurung and Menuka Pradhan are the best in their roles.

The love and romance between this couple makes the audience feel emotional and sympathy for them. Priyanka Karki makes the audience laugh with her character and conversations. Rai, brings out the arrogant character through his acting.

The cinematography is brilliantly pleasing to the eyes. The scenes of Begnas Lake are brilliantly captured by Shailendra D Karki. Make-up has given the actors a natural look. They are able to reflect the life of people living in a rural area. The song Nira is good to listen. It is placed at the correct time in the film.

There are emotions, real life stories but one cannot agree on the presentation of police personnel in the film. It is not that they don’t turn their heads when a serious thing is happening behind them. Their part should at least have been justified.

On the whole — not so satisfying.