Relationship : Grandma’s cookies


I... I love ya,” I began as I hurriedly carried my backpack pretending as if it was no big deal before heading my way home. I felt awkward about the fact that I had never said anything like that for all these 16 years although I knew how much I loved her. It was actually the attitude I learnt from the society I was brought up in. They said that men should be strong at heart and should shed no tears. But this time I didn’t care. My granny is one of the nicest people I have ever known. She is somebody I adore the most. Never in my life had I been against her. Sometimes, I think that she has some superphysic power because she can read my mind and complete my sentences. She also can easily figure out if I have screwed anything just by looking into my eyes. She was always there for me no matter what. When I was going through a hard time she was there to comfort me. She taught me that we should never be ashamed if we know we are doing the right thing. No matter what other might say but to keep our head up high and face it.

Lately, my granny has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. She always seems to have a hard time remembering our names or anything. She has changed a lot, I realised. She is quite most of the time. I miss all the fun and lullaby we have had together. I miss her mindreading ability, her compliments and advice. I have now come to know that we should give hugs and kisses and tell them how much they really meant for us because tomorrow holds the uncertainty between us. If we follow this, we don’t ever have to ponder and regret if they knew that we loved them. I know I’m quite late but I’m glad that I took the chance before it was too late. And there she stood with a board grin and she cooed, “I love you too, son,” and clutched me tight. For an instance, I felt she was the octopus and I was her prey. As always she mistook me as her son. I didn’t mind I just smiled. As I stepped out, she asked, “Are you coming next weekend too, son?”

“Yeah sure,” I shot back.

“Perhaps you can tell my grandson that I have saved some cookies just for him,” she murmured, arranging her spectacles. Well, this time I felt that I shouldn’t correct her but just give her another extra hug and I did.