SCHOOL TIMES : Natural wonders
As children we like to read books in addition to watching TV and playing games on the computer. We also enjoy travelling. And I have realised that to know nature and its very fine arrangement is no less interesting than any of the activities listed above.
When we see natural creations, we just say “Ah! How finely it is created!” For example, a small pebble, if we look closely at it then we can see that it is smooth and shiny. How does a piece of stone, which normally is very rough, becomes so smooth and shiny? The stories behind its transformation could not be less interesting than any other fairy tale.
We try to know the story either by our own reasoning ability or ask teachers or elders. We come to know that first it was just a piece of a rock or a stone. In course of time, it drifted away on the wings of the wind or was swept away by rain to a stream, from a stream to a river and then finally to a sea. In this process its rough edges wore out making it smooth and shiny. Then it was left behind on the coast.
If this small pebble can have such an interesting story, then surely a mountain and an ocean will have many interesting tales.
I read the tales of nature in a book of letters written by Jawaharlal Nehru. It has inspired me to see nature for fascinating facts and stories. The letters he had written to his young daughter Indira from prison form the contents of this book. Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira both became prime ministers of our neighbouring country, India. The way to look at nature and people that was inculcated in Indira at young age by this book helped her to become a big personality. So, we should also try to understand nature and people.
— Prithu
Jyoty Nepal, Class IX, KUHS
University High School