What a time!
You probably slept through it, but for just one second on May 4 morning there was a special moment. At two minutes and three seconds after 1am on 4 May 2006, the time all lined up in order and on a digital clock read: 01:02:03 on 04/05/06! Americans had this oddity on 5 April as they write the month before the day. The strange sequence is really unusual, with nothing like it for another 72 years. In the early hours of 5 June 2078 it’ll be 02:03:04 on 05/06/78! Another one-off time occured in 1989, when clock-watchers enjoyed 01:23:45 on 6/7/89! And soon there’ll be the supposedly unlucky 6 June, which will be 06/06/06.