Netizens have gone berserk, inundating the comment section after Balen's post alleging Oli's involvement in Rs 100 billion scam in the Giri Bandhu Tea Estate land swap of 343.19 bigha (232.43 hectares).

Kathmandu Metropolitan City Mayor Balendra Shah (Balen) and former Prime Minister and CPN-UML chief are trending on social media, while netizens have taken a trolling over Oli for his involvement in the Rs 100 billion scam in the Giri Bandhu Tea Estate land swap.

On Monday, Road Division Kathmandu reached the News Road area to blacktop the road dug by KMC to expand pavements. So, the valley denizens can have an easy time enjoying dwelling and shopping in the city's most popular shopping destinations-New Road.

However, the Road Division Department Kathmandu had warned KMC to patch up the narrowed road within two days. After KMC ignored the Road Division instructions, road department workers reached the New Road area and blacktopped the narrowed part amid tension between workers and city police.

Meanwhile, KMC and Mayor Balen Shah took to social media to accuse CPN-UML chairperson and former Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli of obstructing the metropolis' plans in New Road by using all of the state's power to 'hide the scandal.'

According to Balen, Oli is throwing poltical tantrums to divert the nation's attention away from his involvement in the Rs 100 billion Giri Bandhu Tea Estate land swap scam by instructing Minister of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Raghubir Mahaseth, who is a CPN-UML member, to patch up the road. Mayor Balen also said that nothing moves in the government without Oli's approval.

When the media asked Oli about the accusation levelled against him by Balen on Monday morning, Oli responded angrily in the afternoon after the Lower House meeting, "Ask Balen!"

Some argue that Balen unnecessarily pressed Oli on the New Road issue. However, those who support Balen are criticizing Oli, citing the Giri Bandhu Tea Estate case.

Netizens were already going berserk in the inundating comments section over Balen's post in the early morning. It turned the heads of netizens after Balen commented over KP Sharma Oli's post later in the evening. Oli had posted, stating that he had not checked Facebook for the last seven days and attaching his and his spouse's photo.

Balen then commented on Oli's post, saying, "Oh Hoo, Good Night, KP Ba, have a Sweet Dream, with two slightly-smiling-face emojis ." Strangely, KP Oli's post received 62,000 likes, 23000 comments and 546 shares in 24 hours, while Balen's comment on Oli's post received 100,000 likes. Moreover, numerous social media users and pages, including Gen Zers, have taken screenshots and shared them on various popular pages, making mockery of Oli.

KMAG, a popular Facebook page for Gen Zers, commented, "Here to see if Balen's comment will get more reacts than the post itself."

Anjali Subedi replied in Balen comment on Oli post, "Balen can't help loving your style!"

Similarly, Kumar Ben also commented satirically, "#IamwithKP No one will abuse my Ba."

Husen Miya commented on Oli's post, "You must have seen the flood of insults on Balen's status! After looking through Facebook."

On the other hand, Balen's Monday status accusing Oli of involvement in the Giri Bandhu Tea Estate land swap scam has received 2,66,000 likes, 46,600 comments, and 18,500 shares since then. Surprisingly, the majority of the comments under Balen Status have mocked, accused, and abused KP Sharma Oli's role in the Giri Bandhu Tea Estate land scam, demonstrating solidarity with Mayor Balen's post.

Balen's official Facebook page also gained 2 million followers yesterday amid an escalating dispute between the federal government and the KMC, which peaked when the KMC attempted to expand the pavement area by cutting the blacktop road to make it easier for pedestrians in the New Road area.

Additionally, social media influencer Bikash posted on Facebook today, questioning whether Balen is correct or incorrect in expanding New Road's pavement. Surprisingly, all 650 comments are in support of Balen Shah.

Meanwhile, netizens are also trolling CPN-UML general secretary Yogesh Bhattarai, flooding him with negative reviews after he spoke in the Lower House today, accusing Balen of mocking a leader like KP Sharma Oli, who fought and remained in jail to establish democracy.

"We are ready to support Mayor Balen in all ways for the betterment and progress of KMC, but maniacal activities from a responsible and potential mayor who has garnered the trust of millions of young people should not be tolerated," said Bhattarai.

He also said, "Today, while I am speaking, the Balen cybergang will try to chase us, but we do not have to be afraid. Cybergangs cannot ensure your political stability. We have seen plenty of meteoric rise and fall in the world."

Yogesh Bhattarai, on the other hand, has removed the reviews after receiving numerous negative reviews on his Facebook page following his opposition to Mayor Balen Shah in the federal parliament.