Baneshwor tops list of murders
More homicides on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
Kathmandu, May 9:
Kathmanduites, remain alert on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays! Why? Because more homicides take place here on these days if the Crime Pattern Analysis (CPA) report prepared by the Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Hanumandhoka, is anything to go by.
According to the CPA, a culpable homicide takes place on eighth Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, whereas a culpable homicide takes place on every 13th Sunday, Monday and Friday. Wednesdays saw the lowest number of homicides.
“In the first nine months of the current fiscal year, 31 homicides took place in the Valley of which 18 happened on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sundays, Mondays and Fridays saw 12 homicide cases.”
The report stated that 14 cases of homicide took place between 10 pm and 4 am whereas eight homicides took place between 5 pm to 10 pm. Six homicides took place during the day and two in the evenings.
In terms of area, Baneshwor has topped the list. “Six homicides took place in Baneshwor area, five in Maharajgunj, two each in Lainchaur and Durbarmarg areas,” the report stated.
The report further stated that among those murdered, 12 persons were between the ages of 26 and 35, 10 were between 17 and 25 years, five were above 45, two were below 16 and three were between the ages of 36 and 45 years. Interestingly, the report has also made an analysis on the basis of caste. Among the “victims of homicide”, nine were from Chhetri community, eight from Brahmin, six from Matwali communities and the rest from other castes.