Mask up! 


The district administration authorities of Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur have issued fresh regulatory measures in a bid to curb the COVID-19 cases that have been resurging at a constant and alarming rate of late, effective Tuesday.

The Chief District Officers of the three districts have reintroduced the mandatory 'mask-sanitiser-physical distance' measures following the recent spike in reported number of infections in the valley.

District authorities went ahead with the decision following the Cabinet's Monday decision to implement the measures on recommendation of the Covid-19 Crisis Management Committee.

Furthermore, it has also been decided that no more than 25 people can gather for political, administrative and social events in public or private places. A permit issued by local authorities would be required for events of utmost importance.

Likewise, it has also been decided that a proof of full vaccination would be required for individuals seeking service in public offices, hotels, restaurants, cinema halls, sports stadiums, airport, parks, among others. Such units have been directed to make necessary arrangements to check proof of vaccination prior to providing them entry.

In addition to the aforementioned steps, the District Health Offices have been urged to coordinate with local authorities and setup free antigen testing booths in a bid to ensure effective testing across the three districts.

In terms of educational institutions, it has been decided that all units shall conduct only virtual classes till January 29 until further notice. Pre-scheduled exams should be conducted with full Covid-19 safety protocols in place.

Public and private hospitals, as well as local authorities have been asked to make necessary preparations for running Covid-19 treatment and isolation centres, so as to ensure a smooth operation of the same as and when required.

Public transportation safety guidelines too have been relaunched wherein service providers have been urged to maintain 'safe' number of passengers, mandatory masks, use of sanitizers, mandatory visors for drivers and co-drivers, among other measures.

Businesses creating artificial inflation of products and services, those creating artificial shortages and those disrupting supplies will face music as per existing laws, it has been decided.

Most importantly, keeping in mind the shortage of medical oxygen and cylinders during the last wave of the pandemic, everyone has been urged to handover the O2 cylinders to concerned hospitals and local levels in a bid to facilitate smooth supply of the same when required.