NHRC warns Maoists against rights abuse

Kathmandu, May 20:

A member of the National Human Rights Commission Gauri Pradhan said the rights body would not recognise the Maoists and its sister organisation Young Communist Party as state if they continued to violate human rights even after joining new government.

“It’s not our concern whether they join the government or not. If they violate human rights, they would face action,” he said.

“They would be recognised as a non-state party if they continued to violate human rights even after heading new government,” Pradhan added.

“Any political party cannot claim itself as the state party if it doesn’t defend human rights,” Pradhan added.

Pradhan’s comment came at a time when questions were being raised as to how would the human rights situation in the country be after the Maoists head new government.

According to him, the NHRC is doing necessary preparations to black list the persons or institutions for not following the rights body’s directives.

“We have been working to black list and make public their names,” Pradhan added.

The human rights commission record states that the Maoists were involved in scores of cases of human rights violation even after joining the mainstream politics with its cadres killing and abducting people after the Constituent Assembly elections.