Police round-up restaurant owners flouting Covid-19 safety protocol in Kathmandu
KATHMANDU: Authorities have expedited action against restaurants that are still allowing public gathering, disregarding the latest directive issued by the government.
Owners and operators of several restaurants that were operating regular business flouting the safety protocol have been rounded up by Nepal Police.
Around 15 people were taken to the police station in Maligaun from nearby areas for allowing gathering of people despite authorities warning them to not do so.
Earlier this week, the Government of Nepal, among other measures to curb the increasing spread of coronavirus infection, had announced that Hotels and Restaurants would only offer Take-Away service and not allow gathering of people.
"We have brought-in restaurant owners for not adhering to the regulations, which is in fact a threat to public health. They will be briefed about the situation and will be released," a police official said.
"Further action will be taken if they are found to disregard the warning."
The personnel also said that similar actions are being taken across the capital on Thursday, which will continue until all similar business operators follow the safety protocols religiously.