Security guards seek permanent status

Kathmandu, February 2:

The Maoist-affiliated Nepal Security Labour Association (NSLA) held its first convention here today, demanding the scrapping of the contract system for the recruitment of security guards. Speakers at the convention demanded that organisations concerned hire security guards as permanent staffers. At the convention, Ganesh Regmi, general secretary of the All Nepal Trade Union Federation (ANTUF), blamed the government for not paying attention towards the welfare of labourers.

“Only the republican set-up can guarantee the rights of the labourers,” Regmi said. He added that the establishment of the association was a blow to those who didn’t want changes in society.

Babu Ram Gautam, vice-chairman of the ANTUF, said the salary of security guards should be increased taking into consideration the sensitivity of their job. He urged the security guards to be ready to protect their rights.

Jagat Simkhada, chairman of the All Nepal Transportation Labour Association (ANTLA), criticised the government and All Nepal Transportation Entrepreneur Association (ANTEA) for plotting to hike the price of diesel by creating an artificial shortage. He added, “We are against the price hike in diesel and the hike in the transport fare.”

Earlier, a rally taken out from Ratna Park converged into an assembly at Bhrikuti Mandap after passing through Bagbazaar and Putalisadak.