Surprise check finds officials playing hookey

Himalayan News Service

Kathmandu, February 14:

Several among the staff at the Royal Nepal Airlines Corporation, the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal and Tribhuwan International Airport were found to be absent during office hours, during a surprise check carried out by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation recently.

The Tourism ministry in a statement said nine gazetted officers and 13 non-gazetted ones at the RNAC; a CAAN gazetted officer and one non-gazetted officer; one gazetted officer and two non-gazetted officers at TIA were found absent from office during their time of duty. An acting director at RNAC was found to have signed off earlier than four pm, thereby leaving his office during office hours.

Tourism secretary Bhogendra Raj Ghimire has called on the concerned departments to take immediate action against the concerned errant staff and to report to the Tourism Ministry, added the release.