For the love of Nature

Leading Fashion Designer Hong Mihwa was in Kathmandu recently to showcase her collection titled, ‘Hong Mihwa’s Nepal Clothes’, at the Nepal Earthquake Recovery Field Fashion Show. In conversation with TGIF, the romantic designer shares her experiences ab­­­out the show and her visit to Nepal.

Is this your first visit to Nepal?

No, this is my second visit. When I first visited Nepal a couple of years ago, I was really astonished to see the natural beauty of the country and grateful to see the love of Nepali people. I hope to receive the same love and blessings from them this time too.

Can you tell us about your Spring/Summer 2015 collection? What has the feedback been like?

My collections basically deals with the woven natural fabrics made of wild nettle (a wild grass) that grows in Nepal. The feedback’s great. Many people took me to be a Nepali designer showcasing my designs with focus on locally available resources.

What’s your personal style statement?

Simple, natural, romantic and eco-friendly.

What has your journey as a fashion designer been like?

I feel like a creator of my own world with ups and downs, highs and lows.

Will we see more of you in International Fashion Weeks around the world?

I am still working on that.

Take us through your day. What’s a day like in your shoes?

I don’t follow routines. (smiles)