Renowned Alpine Ascents International guide along with other climbers today scaled Mt Everest, expedition organiser said.

"A team led by AAI guide Benjamin Jones stood atop the world's highest mountain this morning," Jiban Ghimire, Managing Director at Shangri-La Nepal Treks, said.

Being part of the SNT Everest expedition 2024, Alpine Ascents leader Ben Jones and 10 other climbers scaled Mt Everest, Ghimire said.

Other climbers who scaled Everest include Meredith Mercer, Joshua Gates, Kara Gilliland, Adam Wos and Christopher Nemorow.

Along with the clients, a team of five Sherpa climbers led by Ngima Tenzing Sherpa also stood atop the world's highest peak, Ghimire added.

They have already descended safely to lower camps, according to Ghimire.