Citizenship 19 years after widowhood

Rajbiraj, February 5

A woman from Lohajara VDC in Saptari district finally received her citizenship certificate, 19 years after the death of her husband.

Fuleshwori Devi Sada said that with the citizenship card in her hand, she is now confident that the certificate will help her gain access to state facilities she was denied.

Fuleshwori’s husband Bijal Sada died in 1998. Without a citizenship certificate, Fuleshwori was denied all state facilities, including the state-granted allowance for widows and single mothers.

Sada said that her husband had not thought of having her citizenship certificate made, and she had also not thought that it was necessary to do so.

Sada got the much-needed certificate after her father-in-law Lakshyan Sada signed a document verifying their relationship.