Construction of cold store elates Bajura apple farmers

BAJURA: Farmers of Bajura district are happy after the construction of a cold store for apples recently.

Earlier, apples produced in the district would go waste or rotted due to the lack of sufficient market in the district.

However, the apples can be kept for a long time now after the construction of store house.

The Support Activities for Poor Producers of Nepal (SAPPROS Nepal), an non-government organisation, has recently built two store houses in Jukot and Pandusen villages.

Pur Rawat of Pandusen village informed that the lack of transport facilities has made them unable to sell the apples by taking them out of the district.

Another apple farmer, Arjun Shahi, informed that they would store the apples till they find a chance to sell it.

The District Agriculture Development Office (DADO) said production of apples was higher in the district than last year.

According to the DADO, apples are cultivated in 87 hectares of land in the district.