Contempt of court complaint scrapped

Dhangadi, September 2

The contempt of court complaint filed against TV host Rabi Lamichhane and sacked deputy superintendent of police Angur GC at the District Court of Kanchanpur was scrapped today.

Earlier, Khadgasingh Bista, brother of Dilipsingh Bista, who the police had initially paraded as suspect in the rape and murder of Nirmala Panta of Kanchanpur, had lodged a complaint accusing Lamichhane and GC of committing a contempt of court by running a programme about the Nirmala murder case that was still unresolved.

Dilipsingh Bista was later freed after his DNA sample did not match with Panta’s vaginal swab.

Today, a single bench of judge Gopal Prasad Bastola scrapped the complaint, maintaining that the material of the programme did not amount to contempt of court.

Lamichhane, in his TV show Sidha Kura JanataSanga, had interviewed GC and journalist KhemBhandari regarding the NirmalaPanta murder case.