Could convalescent plasma therapy be the solution the world is waiting for?

Can the therapy help contain the coronavirus contagion in Nepal?

Is the therapy the answer to the one question the entire world is asking?

KATHMANDU: The trial of convalescent plasma therapy in various parts of the world including the US, China shows that it may be a safe treatment option for patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms at a time when vaccines for the virus are yet to be developed.

Convalescent plasma therapy is an experimental treatment where the plasma -- the liquid portion of the blood -- drawn from the people who've recovered is transfused into people with severe COVID-19 symptoms to boost their ability to fight the virus. The phenomenon could be attributed to the fact that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have antibodies, the proteins the body uses to fight off infections in their blood. It might also help keep people who are moderately ill from becoming more ill and from developing further complications.