Collison of two trucks along the Prithvi Highway in Thakre Rural Municipality-2 of the district has claimed two lives, while severely injuring two persons, on Monday.

The accident occurred at 3:00 am this morning, as a truck (Lu 2 Kha 270) headed to Kathmandu from Muglin rear-ended another stationary truck (Na 6 Kha 6465) parked at a roadside, according to the Police Inspector at the Gajuri-based Area Police Office, Bhojraj Pandey.

The casualties have been identified as Kiran Karki, assistant driver, of Sankhuwasabha district and Kiran Pratap Gurung, who hails from Sanosuki Rural Municipality-9 of Bardiya district.

Similarly, the truck driver of the the moving vehicle Lilaram Adhikari of Sunwal Municipality-6 in Nawalparasi and Kamal Shah travelling in the same, who is a resident of Karaiya Rural Municipality-4 in Bara district, sustained critical injuries consequential to the incident.

Following the accident the duo have been referred to Kathmandu's Trauma Centre after being rescued by the police and locals, which required an effort of around two hours.

Based on preliminary police investigation, it is being speculated that the incident occurred due to high speeding.

Bodies of the deceased have been sent to the Primary Health Post in Gajuri for autopsy.