Amid growing tension inside the Supreme Court in the last two weeks, the Federation of Nepali Journalists has urged Chief Justice Cholendra Shumsher JB Rana to display high morality and maintain the court's dignity.

Justices and advocates representing Nepal Bar Association have been staging protests on the premise of the SC regularly demanding CJ Rana's resignation from his position.

The agitating advocates and some justices have accused Rana of undermining the integrity and independence of the judiciary. The justices have also specifically alleged he bargained for positions for his favoured persons at the executive branch. They have also accused Rana of allocating hearing to specific justices, and denying the hearing of a number of writs against constitutional appointments that the CJ had participated in making.

Following the accusation, the continued stringent protests of lawyers have hindered regular court procedures which have deprived citizens of their right to prompt justice.

In line with this, the FNJ, an umbrella organisation of all journalists in the country, expressed serious concern about the deadlock in the judiciary and urged the court's top officials to show high morality and end the deadlock.

"FNJ requests the court's leaders to show morality and protect the dignity of the court while taking the issues raised by Nepal Bar Association and the people," the FNJ press release reads.

The FNJ has also asked the agitating protesters to maintain the court's dignity while continuing their protest. It also condemned the House of Representatives, government and political parties for being 'surprisingly silent' on the serious issues seen in the SC.

"The federation requested the HoR, government and political parties to come forward to end the stalemate at the court," FNJ said. It has warned that people's trust and respect for the court would be highly undermined if the current situation continued.

Amidst concern from all quarters, the NBA continued its sit-in protest today as well, demanding the resignation of CJ Rana. Meanwhile, nine benches were assigned by the CJ today.

Rana has also requested the agitating lawyers and judges to find a solution through dialogue and negotiations. However, the judges and Nepal Bar have been saying that the current deadlock can come to an end only with the resignation of CJ Rana.

A version of this article appears in the print on November 18, 2021, of The Himalayan Times.