Kapilvastu VDCs inundated

Taulihawa, August 14:

At least six village development committees in southern parts of Kapilvastu district have been inundated.

The inundated villages include Rangapur, Prasohiya, Baidauli and Hardauna.

Areas adjoining Mahali Sagar dam have been inundated, a social mobiliser of Kalika Self-Help Organisation Prem Jaisawal said.

The inundation has damaged paddy crops planted in these villages.

Hundreds of sheds built in the area have collapsed, Jaisawal further stated.

Farmers of the villages said that they do not have paddy seedlings for plantation.

Mohamed Munir Khan of Rangapur-1 said, “The flooding has only aggravated the plight of poor farmers like us.”

Another peasant Santosh Tiwari, a permanent resident of Rangapur village development committee ward number 4 of Rupandehi district, said paddy planted in 160 hectares of land was destroyed.

He said 600 households at Ragpur, Prasohiya and Baidauli village development committees of the district had been affected.

Kapilvastu Chief District Officer Ram Bilas Roy said efforts were underway to address the problem.