Medicines worth millions seized from TIA, given to Health Ministry

KATHMANDU: The Customs Department has confiscated different medicines worth over Rs 600 million that were stashed away at the store of Tribhuvan International Airport, and handed over the Ministry of Health for assessment and distribution.

The medicines were provided by different international helping hands for those affected by the April 25 earthquake and its aftershocks.

Health Secretary Shanta Bahadur Shrestha, in today's meeting of the Women, Children, Senior Citizen and Social Welfare Committee, informed that the medicines would be brought in use very soon after studying the details of the medicines.

Members of the House committee Badri Pandey, Anuradha Thapa Magar, Anandi Panta, Laxman Rajbanshi, Rita Rawal, Nisha Kumari Shah, Jayanti Rai, Shree Maya Thakali among others urged the government to make necessary of vital medicines to the hospitals and people.