Political will must for combating child labour
Kathmandu, May 5:
Political commitment through adoption of coherent policies in the spheres of poverty reduction, basic education and human rights, is central to progress made by countries in combating child labour, said a report of International Labour Organisation (ILO) on “The End of Child labour: Within Reach”. Deependra Bikram Thapa, secretary of Ministry of Labour and Transport Management today presented the report.
Speaking on the occasion, senior advisor of ILO Yadav Amatya said political will and stability are the prerequisites to address the problem of child labour.
It is cross-cutting issues which should be incorporated in health, education, HIV/AIDS, gender, village development committees, district development committees.
Prof Bal Kumar KC, chief of the Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan University, highlighting the extent of child labour in Nepal said, “Its incidence has declined by 10 per cent over time in Nepal.”
The National Child Labour Survey conducted in the year 1996 showed that there was 49 per cent of child labourers ranging between 5 to 15 years.
The National Living Standard Survey conducted in 2004 showed only 39 per cent child labour.
Prof KC said the comparative study between these two survey shows decline in child labour in the country.