The government is preparing to dole out relief packages to those farmers whose cattle died due to lumpy skin disease outbreak in recent months.

Preparations are afoot to announce relief packages from the upcoming Cabinet meeting, according to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

In a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development Bedu Ram Bhusal and other stakeholders at the official residence of the prime minister in Baluwatar today, PM Dahal instructed Minister Bhusal to do necessary homework to provide relief packages to farmers who have been bearing the brunt of loss of cattle to the viral disease.Articulating the serious steps being taken by the government towards controlling lumpy skin disease that is rapidly spreading in the country, PM Dahal rued that there was no publicity about the meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and Ministry of Finance in relation to containing the viral disease. Stating that lumpy skin was detected in India and China two years ago, he admitted that it was the weakness on the part of Nepal to fail to exercise timely preventive measures against the infection.

Over 1.1 million cattle across the country are estimated to have contracted lumpy skin disease.

Among them, 867,000 have recovered, while 48,000 have succumbed to the viral disease, incurring loss of over Rs 30 billion. At present, a total of 181,000 cattle are infected with lumpy skin disease in the country.

PM Dahal drew the attention of the ministry, and Department of Livestock Service to early preparedness for epidemics like lumpy skin sisease in the coming days. "Let's work towards preventive efforts and relief packages for farmers who are bearing the loss of cattle. Let's put plans in place for early preparedness," he urged.

According to PM Dahal, going by the practices and research conducted in India and China, the Goat Pox vaccine seems to appear as an appropriate antidote to lumpy skin.

"Considering this aspect, the use of this vaccine should be made free and the vaccine should be administered to the animals through coordinated efforts among the federal, provincial and local levels," he said.

Acknowledging the economic loss borne by the owners due to death of their cattle, PM Dahal pitched for providing relief packages to farmers.

He said the Goat Pox vaccine should be provided to farmers for free apart from relief packages and instructed the concerned ministry to make arrangement for the same. Furthermore, PM Dahal stressed the need to spread awareness among farmers about the vaccine and the right kind of animal feed.

A vaccine named 'Bird Pox' will be provided to the farmers after the recommendation of veterinary experts and approval from the World Health Organisation.

Minister Bhusal shared that approval for the use of 'Bird Pox' vaccine was going to be issued. Paddy plantation in various districts has been affected due to the death of animals used in farming.

The viral infection in the animal has also led to reduced milk production.

Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development Govinda Prasad Sharma highlighted the need for immediate relief package for the affected farmers.

National Planning Commission Vice-president Min Bahadur Shrestha viewed that the government should immediately make decisions on the relief package and free vaccines for affected farmers.

Similarly, Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers Yek Narayan Aryal called for arrangements of relief package for affected farmers.

A version of this article appears in the print on August 1, 2023, of The Himalayan Times.