Removing Koirala no good option: Nepal

New Delhi, May 31:

A delegation of Nepali parliamentarians arrived here today to attend a two-day meeting of parliamentarians from South Asian nations.

Asked whether parliamentarians were thinking of removing Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala for his failure to hold constituent assembly elections on time, CPN (UML) general secretary and a member of the delegation, Madhav Kumar Nepal, said, “Removing Koirala will not be a good move.”

“Prime Minister Koirala has said he is ready to claim responsibility for the failure to hold the constituent assembly polls by mid-June,” Nepal said.

Nepal said he was not aware of a note of dissent that four parties, including the CPN (UML), lodged at the eight-party meeting today. “Oh! comrades have done that! I was not aware of the move.”

Dina Nath Sharma of the CPN (Maoist), Prakash Man Singh of the Nepali Congress (Democratic), Chakra Prasad Banstola of the Nepali Congress, Hridayesh Tripathi of the Nepal Sadbhavana Party-Anandidevi and CP Mainali of the Leftist Front are among the members of the delegation.

The parliamentarians are here to take part in the meeting slated to begin in Shimla on Saturday. The South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) is organising the meeting.

Maoist leader Dina Nath Sharma said his party will continue to put forth proposals, demanding that the parliament declare the country a republic.

Chakra Banstola said the drive to unify the Nepali Congress and Nepali Congress (Democratic) has gathered momentum.

The Nepali delegates also visited parliamentarian Bidya Bhandari at the Apollo Hospital, where she has been undergoing treatment for blood cancer. “Her condition is satisfactory,” Nepal said after meeting Bhandari.

According to Nepal, the Nepali delegation will leave for Shimla tomorrow. “We will meet Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, Congress I leader Sonia Gandhi and other Indian leaders once we return from Shimla.”