Rolpa child rescued from Bhaktapur brick kiln

ROLPA: A child was rescued from a Bhaktapur-based brick kiln and handed over to his family in Rolpa district by the Bhaktapur District Child Welfare Board (DCWB) recently.

The 13-year-old Kamal Rana Magar, who hails from Rankot of Rolpa, was working at the STC Brick Industry in Tathali of Nagarkot Municipality-2.

The rescue was made possible after the kiln operators themselves provided information about the child, the DCWB informed.

Rana Magar, who was studying in Grade VI back home in Rolpa , had quit the school and chose to move to Bhaktapur  with his uncle after being deprived of parental care at home.

He said that he was earning Rs 100 per day at the brick kiln.

Meanwhile, his father is abroad for employment whereas his mother married another man.

According to Bidur Nepal, a child rights activist, various brick industries in Kathmandu and Bhaktapur have employed many such children depriving them of parental care due to various reasons.

Lokendra Acharya of the Bhaktapur District Women Development Office (DWDO) stated that poverty and adverse family environment are among the factors forcing children to engage in risky works.