Security beefed up at parliament as leaders hold talks, cadres arrested

KATHMANDU: Riot police have formed a perimeter at the parliament building in New Baneshwor to avert protests as leaders from ruling party and opposition hold discussions to resolve stalled house proceedings.

The HoR meeting scheduled for 1:00 PM today has not started yet as NCP (NCP) and NC leaders are yet to come to terms on two hospitals named after late NC leaders and National Medical Education Bill.

Meanwhile, Speaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara, NCP's deputy parliamentary party leader Subash Chandra Nembang, NC Chief Whip Bal Krishna Khand and NCP Chief Whip Dev Gurung are holding discussions to find a solution to the House impasse.

Likewise,  police have arrested as many as 20 cadres of NC and Bibekshil party who marched to parliament shouting slogans in support on the agitating surgeon Dr Govinda KC.