Water bird census started yesterday in Shuklaphanta National Park and other areas. The census started in the lakes and rivers inside and outside the park. The counting will continue till January 16.
Staffers of the park office, experts of Nepal Bird Conservation Association, representatives of Himali Prakriti, NTNC, and Nature Guide Association are participating in the census. According to the association's ornithologist Hirulal Dagoura, those involved in the census use binoculars, telescopes and cameras for counting aquatic birds.
He said water birds would be counted on the site and by boarding a boat. According to him, water birds will be counted in Ranital, Taratal, Kalikich Lake, Bedkot, Bandatal, Puranital, Pyaratal, Sally River, Chaudhar River and the border areas.
Counting in lakes and rivers will take place on foot, elephants will be used to do the counting at Salgaundi Lake inside the park.
Water birds are monitored and counted every year to find out their distribution and status of native and migratory birds in the lake and wetland areas, to update the numbers, to raise awareness with the participation of local communities and stakeholders in the conservation effort. The census also provides information about the condition of the lake where water birds live, Dagoura said.
At the same time, information is taken about the condition of the wetland area, human encroachment on the lake and the natural damage. During last year's census, 48 species including some world's rarest stork were found in the park and outlying areas.
According to Dagoura, there is enough space for food, security and nesting in the area, so migratory water birds migrate to the area including some from Siberia, India and Sri Lanka.
A similar, water bird census started in the lakes and watershed areas of Kailali yesterday.
Ornithologist Dagora said that water bird count had started from Ghodaghodi Lake area. Water birds will be counted in the lakes of Karnali, including Ghodaghodi, Kohli, Lokabhauka, Ghoda, Suniyarupiya, Purana and Karnali.
Water birds will be counted using raft on the Karnali River.
According to last year's census, 32 species of water birds were found in the catchment area of Kailali.
A version of this article appears in the print on January 3, 2022, of The Himalayan Times.