Westerly winds cause rainfall in areas from Sudurpaschim to Bagmati

KATHMANDU: The Meteorological Forecasting Division (MFD) said rain accompanied by lightning and gusty winds has occurred at various places from Bagmati to Sudurpaschim Province today.

According to the Division, the westerly winds, local winds and the influence of low-pressure belt developed in the eastern part of the country have affected the weather.

The division has forecast thunderstorm accompanied by gusty winds at some places in the country.

Generally cloudy weather will continue throughout the country till tonight, according to the bulletin issued by the MFD.

बागमती प्रदेशदेखि सुदुरपश्चिम प्रदेशसम्मै विभिन्न ठाउँमा मेघ गर्जन/चट्याङ सहित वर्षा भैरहेको छ। सतर्क रहौं।

— NDRRMA (@NDRRMA_Nepal) May 29, 2020

The Department issued a cautionary note against rain, thunderstorm and lightning.