A second chance
In another era the people resorting to violence would have been termed heroes and gladiators. Mankind took a step away from barbarism as it embraced the art of dialogue and reasoning to fight their battles for them so they could avoid the unnecessary bloodshed. Yet it seems today that the transition is still incomplete. An entire possibility of a better future is shut down merely because decisions and judgments are being made on emotions rather than reason.
Every protester should, for once, ask himself two questions. What are they fighting for and who are they fighting for? Madhesis claim that they are fighting for equality and that they are fighting for their people. They may be fighting for equality but it does not at all seem that they are fighting for the Madhesi people in general. An increase in the number of Congressmen from their side is what they are fighting for. If Madhesis are going to fight, they should fight for policies that tend to the basic necessities like education, health and security. Policies that will truly help uplift the life of Madhesis in general and not merely elect another less-than-qualified individual into the office. Getting more representation from their side is not going to solve the problems.
Delineation of the Pradeshes, theoretically, is a method adopted to help govern a country through decentralization of power. It is an administrative tactic and nothing more. Culture has nothing to do with it. If identity is the only concern while drawing the borders than why not have a separate map that solely highlights the ethnicity. One map can be for the administrative purpose and the other for culture. That way a district can be a part of Tharuwat culturally but still be a member of province 3 or something. The issue of ethnicity should not hinder governance.
There exists a wide range of possibilities if we just comprehend the alternatives rationally before jumping to conclusions. My ideas may not make sense but someone’s will. Ever wonder why a mere 51% is called an absolute majority? Well its because we live in a democracy and every idea is supposed to be valued. But what is necessary in a democracy is that all people should readily acknowledge the possibility of their ideas being rejected at least for once. After all its a democracy, there is a second chance. Every time you get disappointed or need to ask something of the system you don’t need to burn trucks and shoot people.