All for that belly of ours

Now that Dasain and Tihar are done and over with, quite a few of us are probably noticing the increase in holiday weight. I am sure plans have already been put in place to shed those extra kilos and do away with the flab.

A Herculean task is, indeed, in front of us, staring right into our eyes that may deter many of us going the weight shedding task. Will the people be able to conquer this Everest of sorts? I guess it will depend on how motivated and dedicated an individual is, but it will definitely take several months of work outs before the results become obvious.

A well planned diet consisting of all the essential food groups is of the utmost importance, and staying away from fried and oily preparations is a must. But, somehow, I don’t think many of us will be able to stick to such a rigorous diet. Talking about having a rigorous diet, President Nicholas Sarkozy of France comes into my mind. He has been on the news recently for having chosen a healthy diet and an iron clad work out regime. He probably does this to impress his wife, but hey! you must give the guy some credit for his devotion to staying fit and looking good.

Unfortunately, I cannot say the same thing for quite a few of our own leaders, who seem to be gaining weight every single day. Please, do eat less and start jogging for a change. It’s not that hard. Millions of people do it without even having to think twice about it.

Kathmandu, the metropolitan city itself, nevertheless, can pose some problems to those who want to get into the jogging frame. There is essentially no space for it. And even if one did find a route, that individual would have to find a realistic way of fighting the dense fog of pollution, and the stray dogs that roam around the city in packs. I mean nobody wants to get bitten and contract rabies.

Good God! There are so many hurdles to overcome just to lose some weight and stay in shape. It seems as if our surrounding itself wants us to stay chubby.

I guess going on some diet would be the best way to fight the flab. Stick to an austere eating habit and not only will you lose weight, but also become healthy and strong. Your performance at school or at work will also be positively affected.