BLOG SURFS: Care giving

Normally the choice for inpatient or outpatient care is based on whether a plan of treatment can be better facilitated in the hospital, at home or in an outpatient setting.

Hospital stays for routine procedures, on average, last no longer than a week. If a medical condition warrants a longer course of treatment, then a patient may be admitted to an extended care facility such as a hospice if it’s found that he needs to be monitored closely. Also, if complex technical procedures or interventions are necessary, then inpatient care is also advised. The frequency of treatments as well as the need for evaluations both factor into a doctor’s decision to extend care inside or outside the hospital.

Sometimes, when care giving in the home becomes almost too burdensome,

inpatient respite care is

recommended in order

to give the caregiver a “respite” from her responsibilities. Inpatient respite care is often a solution for

a caregiver. —