Combating sex trafficking

Sex trafficking is a heinous crime and a shame to humanity. Every year, thousands of young girls and women are trafficked from global megacities for sexual slavery. The problem is acute and has flourished more because of globalisation and advanced communication system.

No any society is free from trafficking – either it is a country of origin, country of transit or country of destination. However, young women and girls from developing countries are more vulnerable to trafficking. It is because of poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and gender discrimination. Unsuspecting girls and women land in trafficker’s clutches as they are lured into good job and better life. And this all arises from poverty.

In developing countries like Nepal, the problem of sex trafficking is acute because many girls and women lack the basic needs or means to fulfil the basic needs. The government should launch awareness campaigns everywhere, especially in rural areas, to combat sex trafficking.

Likewise, gender discrimination is also one of the determining factors for sex trafficking. In many societies, the birth of son is still viewed as an upward mobility and the birth of daughter as just the opposite.

In our society, there are still people who think “raising a daughter is like watering the neighbour’s garden”. In many societies, sons are sent to good schools while daughters do not get an opportunity to study. Therefore, the government should implement strong policies to educate all the children, including girls.

Due to excessive impact of globalisation, the pattern of sex trafficking has been changing. In the past, Nepali girls and women used to be trafficked into Indian cities because of the long open border the two countries share.

However, they are now trafficked into the Middle East, Kenya, Africa and other parts of the world. The network of traffickers is very strong and they have been ab(using) the advanced communication system for their deceitful acts.

Pressure should continuously be built against crimes like human trafficking, sex trafficking, rape, dowry and other social evils which are still rife in our societies.

The government and non-government organisations must launch massive awareness campaigns. Education

is the key when it comes to fighting against such heinous crime.