Create a winning attitude—III

A great means is to genuinely go for self to self comparison. That is to look at yourself and how you have moved ahead towards your objective. How do you judge your performance? Traditionally we compare ourselves to others, judging success and failure.

Try looking solely at your own progress, comparing yourself to yourself. What progress have you made since yesterday, since last week, last month, last year? Achievement is about moving from where you were to where you are now and on to where you are going in the future. This will allow you to see where you stand in the overall scheme of things. In the physics of motion, these Six Characteristic elements are like spokes on a wheel. Together they support the hub of your life as you roll towards manifesting your dreams and your goals.

Now, try this exercise. Choose one of your goals and take it through the Six Characteristics.

TIP: To be successful in any endeavor you need first to know your specific goals or outcomes. Do you have both specific outcomes to achieve and clear negative consequences of not reaching your goal? Have you set a high standard for yourself? Have you chunked your goal down to manageable steps? Is your visualized future accomplishment presently drawing you toward it? Are you taking action or waiting for it to happen to you? Lighten up! Compare yourself to yourself. Use others as inspiration, not comparison.

Using these Six Characteristics and a lot of determination, Gary Faris was able to get through two years of painful rehabilitation and is now running again. Amazing! Apply these Six Characteristics to your business, to a struggling employee, or to your health, and notice your increased effectiveness. — (concluded)