CREDOS: I and You—V
YOU is fated to be a thing, so that every YOU becomes an IT to I. IT is the eternal crysallis. YOU the eternal butterfly. This duality is not so simply seen as expressed in these states. IT is often intricately entangled in a series of events.
Relation is the beginning. We see this clearly in the speech of ‘Primitive ‘ Peoples, where there is
poverty of objects and
daily life develops in a narrow circle of acts charged with Presentness.
Primal, pragmatic sentence-words indicate the wholeness of Relation.
We say “Far away.” The Zulu says “Someone cries out, ‘O Mother, I am lost.’ “ The Fuegian of Tierra del Fuego surpasses our analytic knowledge with a seven syllable word which means: “They stare at each other, each waiting for the other to do what each wants but is not able to.” In the Gestalt, nouns and pronouns are unfinished.
What matters is the living Relationship, not the analysis and reflection of original oneness. Look how worn out our indirect formulas are when we greet someone. Compare our “Hello “ to the Kaffir “I see you,” Concepts evolve from Relational states. Processes are developed from ideas. Relational states awaken Life Energy when I confronts YOU. Memory transforms the unknown into objects. Primal meanings are of mystical origins and could not come from actual experience. The spiritual nature of Primitive People is Faith and Science (not separate)...Mana, that all Beings exist in Relation. Mana is active and effective. The primitive mind sees this as magical, that humans have the power to effect action because objects are animate and connected. The body needs self-preservation. I does not. The body makes things (tools and toys). I-as-YOU and YOU-as-I are the Living Words of Relationship.