CREDOS: Zeno’s paradox — III
A simple solution to the paradox would be simply to deny the infinite divisibility of space and time. Just because our number system and mathematics enables one to place, a number between any two numbers does not mean that you can place a time or space between any two points in time or space. Indeed this is poignant when one considers Plank’s time, which according to physicists is the smallest measure of space and time that has any meaning. This renders time discrete and non-continuous as below this measure of time quantum laws reign supreme, which means all measurements beyond this point are nonsense.
Others claim that the paradox wrongly assumes that an object in motion has a determined relative position in time. If a moving body is at a point at a certain time, then it is static at that instant. The resolution to the paradox then lies in realising that an object in motion, no matter the time interval is continuously moving and cannot have a determined position in time.
Both these solutions to the paradox are conceptual, and suggest at the faults inherent in our two thousand year old Platonic view of reality. The Platonic view of space and time considers them measurable ontological entities. Critics of this view claim that space and time are simple human constructs to measure change and point-by-point movement in a continuous world is a conceptual flaw inherent in it. (concluded)