Cruelty of love

She came to me and told me her story in such a way that my heart melted at the dismay of this poor girl. It was hard to believe the disatrous part of something sacred called Love and at the same time it was hard to believe the creulty a man preserves and his devil nature to kill this living beauty alive. Her name is Din, meaning day in Nepali language. So, Din began her story from the begining and her poor innocent made her so hard that it was unable to believe that something sacred like love could be such a poisonous like Hemlock. I was wondering how one falls in love so easily that he can forget everything for the sake of Love. Hearing the story chill through the spine. I hated the word called Love and perhaps I am going to hate it forever. After all why there is something called love and attraction between two sexes so much. I was thinking about Adam and Eve and their fall from the sacred life of happiness and prosperity. Why after all there is something called love. —