Double cross
The Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MoEST) is launching the “Environment Auditing” programme to clamp down on the companies and projects that fail to meet prescribed environmental guidelines. The Environment Protection Act 2053 BS requires detailed studies concerning a project’s impact on local environment, both before and after its completion. The audit programme, to be run as per the protection act guidelines, will crosscheck the negative impact of industries on environment.
So far, only water and electricity-related projects have submitted their environment auditing reports with the MoEST, which, for its part, is working to ensure across-the-board implementation of the EPA requirements. The MoEST should especially focus on preserving biodiversity and greenery of the areas that are witnessing construction boom. Not that there were no laws to punish the building code violators in the past. Indeed, a violator could be fined Rs.100,000 for the breach of any of the EPA guidelines. The problem is that these laws are seldom implemented.
And when they are, unscrupulous people have managed to bribe themselves free. No measure will work if its not implemented strictly and unbiasedly. In the end, each person needs to realise the importance of preserving the environment. The responsibility to protect it rests with all Nepalis.