Hidden hunger

Micronutrient deficiencies, especially Vitamin A and D, are prevalent in India.  Yet, these deficiencies -- often referred to as ‘hidden hunger’ -- go largely unnoticed and affect large populations. Night blindness, a condition afflicting millions of pregnant women and children, stems from low intake of foods rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin A. Budget constraints limit access to nutrient-rich foods for many families, who are unaware or unable to afford a nutritious diet. National programs help supplement diets with Iron and Vitamin, but their scope is too narrow to adequately address these deficiencies. Food fortification is a relatively simple, powerful and cost-effective approach to curb micronutrient deficiencies. It is in general socially accepted and requires minimal change in existing food habits. When fortified with vitamin A and D, milk, which remains a staple for many Indians, can help alleviate dietary deficiencies... — blog.wb.org/blogs