Questionable exclusion
The two-day meeting of the National Development Council (NDC) has concluded this week with the participation of over 200 members from different walks of life. The NDC
endorsed the Three-Year Interim Plan prepared by the National Planning Commission (NPC). The Plan aims at achieving an average annual growth of 3.6 per cent in agriculture. But the utter neglect of this sector became clear when the NPC failed to include in the meeting representatives of organisations related to agriculture and livestock.
The NDC invited representatives from professional organisations like the Nepal Medical
Association and the Nepal Engineering Association , but it left out the Nepal
Veterinary Association (NVA), by no means a less important body. Sixty-two per cent of the country’s population is directly involved in agriculture and the contribution of livestock sector to agricultural GDP stands at 33 per cent. This is blatant discrimination. In order to build a new Nepal, people from all sectors should set aside narrow personal interests and work hand in hand. This biased attitude will only harm the country’s cause.
Dr Sital Kaji Shrestha, NVA
News reports about clandestine meetings between Chief Justice Dilip Kumar Paudel and those
accused of corruption go to show the level of politicisation of our judiciary. Independent
judiciary is one of the pillars of democracy. Sadly, the behaviour of those occupying top judicial posts in Nepal has been anything but exemplary.
Rabi Rimal, via e-mail
More to it
While I agree with Abhijit Sharma that consumption of contaminated water has mainly caused the spate of water-borne diseases in Tarai districts, “Water woes” (THT, June 25), I also believe poverty has played a huge part in what is happening in the Tarai. How can the
people who cannot have two square meals a day be expected to buy water filters or extra fuel for boiling water? The awareness drive is useless unless the government provides safe drinking water. To talk of water, where is the Melamchi Drinking Water Project headed? Why are the details of the project being kept away from the public? All of us should remember that unless corruption is rooted out, true development of the country will not be possible.
Sabin Thapa, via e-mail
Water crisis
The residents of the Valley have had no clean drinking water for years. As a result, the number of water-borne diseases rises during the summer season. The best option is to consume only filtered and boiled water.
Immediate steps to check water pollution are needed.
Nabin Bhatta,
Purano Naikap
Vote for Taj
I was amazed to see that there were so many fans of Prasant Tamang, a contestant for Indian Idol, in Nepal. While they cannot vote for him, they can indeed make a contribution to getting Taj Mahal included as one of the Seven Modern Wonders of the World. The polls for the same are now open. If Tamang is considered among the best singers in India, Taj Mahal
is the emblem of love and beauty across the world.
Manisha Singh, via e-mail